Thursday, 21 November 2013

Skin Diseases Related To Diabetes:

People with diabetes of more glucose in their blood may lead to serious  thing, incuding  skin problems. Normally patients are not vigilant about the diseases that is happening inside and out of their  bodies. Skin diseases are common to people. Diabetic patients with skin disease should be diagonized promptly. Proper treatment can be provided to diabetic patients if they caught early.

It is a condition that affects the color of the skin. In this condition, the creation of   pigments are destroyed and they result in patches of the discolored skin. Vitiligo often affects the chest ,abdomen,elbows, knees, and hands, but it might be found on the face (around the mouth, nostrils, and eyes). This conditionis due to type 1 diabetes. Treatment options include topical steroids, ultraviolet light treatments, and micropigmentation.


 It is a group of bacteria that causes various number of diseases all over the tissues of the body.Staphylococcus is more familiarly known as Staph. It is an infection that runs deep. The other  type of this infection is fungal. It can be in the feet, body folds, genetials, and the nails.  In rare situations, a serious complication known as scalded skin syndrome can develop. In breastfeeding women, Staph can result in mastitis (inflammation of the breast) or in abscess of the breast. Staphylococcal breast abscesses can release bacteria into the mother's milk.      

Acanthosis nigricans:

Acanthois nigricans is a skin disease. It makes the skin to darker, thick, velvety and crease. Obesity can lead to acanthosis nigricans, and  it is often found in people with obesity-related insulin resistance. Some medicines, particularly hormones such as human growth hormone or birth control pills, can also cause acanthosis nigricans. It usually appears slowly and doesn't cause any symptoms other than skin changes. It is frequently found in people with diabetes.


It is the condition where the arteries become narrowed and hardened and forming plaque around the artery wall. It disrupts the flow of blood  around  the body and causing serious cardiovascular  problems. When the blood vessels supplying the skin become narrow, changes occur due to a lack of oxygen. Loss of hair, thinning and shiny skin, thickened and discolored toe nails, and cold skin are symptoms of atherosclerosis.

Necrobiosis lipoidica dibeticorum:

It is caused by change in the  blood vessels, collagen and fat content underneath the skin. The overlaying skin becomes thinned and reddened.  It is itchy and painful.  If sores do not break open, treatment is not necessary. See your health care provider for treatment if the sores do break open or if the lesions are painful.There are many different types of skin diseases that should be addressed when a person is diabetic. Often by simply keeping a close eye on your body, eating a proper diet, getting exercise, and taking your medications, you will be able to keep these skin conditions at bay and stay healthy.

To stay healthy with diabetes

·         Follow the healthy eating plan that you and your doctor or dietitian have worked out.
·         Be active a total of 30 minutes most days. Ask your doctor what activities are best for you.
·         Take your medicines as directed
·         Check your blood glucose every day. Each time you check your blood glucose, write the number in your record book.
·         Check your feet every day for cuts, blisters, sores, swelling, redness, or sore toenails.
·         Brush and floss your teeth every day.
·         Control your blood pressure and cholesterol.
·         Don't smoke

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